Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Someday I'm going to stick with this blogging thing. Maybe.


I lost my Dad to cancer 31 days ago. Miss ya Dad!

I had to pick up his ashes yesterday in preparation for going to Michigan to bury him. We were raised around funeral homes all my life so the ashes thing isn't that freaky to me. Matter of fact - I drove him down to Wal-Mart last night. He sat in the car just like he did when we went.

Today was "Take Your Father's Cremated Remains to Work Day" at my job. I'll be darned if he didn't sit in the car again....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Been so long that I didn't realize I had already posted that blog....

Once I learn how to edit I'll take it down. How about this:

Big Surprise at CTE

The last school I was part of a team at was Cracker Trail Elementary. When I transferred to CTE in 2001 I was in need of a change. My first school was good: they gave me a chance, got my feet wet, got my feet burnt, learned a lot, and brought my wife to the school. After two years working together (which isn’t as bad as people say) we both needed a change. Not because of each other, but because of outside factors. We both filled out the form and our names were out there in the rink. We both received phone calls quickly. She wanted to go to middle school and she was granted her wish. I received a call from Dr. Richard Demeri at CTE. Of course he didn’t call me before he was supposed to or give me a tour of the school the day before he could talk me about transferring. Gotta love it! So I chose CTE and really didn’t think about it – it felt right.

Over the next couple of years, CTE grew on me. The entire school was very supportive and we (Chris Doty and I – Doty is now the principal of Hill-Gustat Middle School here) decided we would do things “For the Kids.” Now sometimes we were a little outrageous but the majority of the time it was pure fun and the kids loved it. Everyone talks about changing and establishing a positive school culture. Well ladies and gentleman we were definitely part of a team that did it. My attitude changed and I loved coming to work.

So Cracker Trail has a special place in my heart. When I had my kidney transplant in March 2006, they gave me a huge send off with the kids and teachers. Little did I know they would do the same thing when I was diagnosed with the cancer.

I had no idea what was planned. Here’s how it started. At the KLC we had a county wide inservice set up for Thursday, October 18. Andrew (principal and friend) told me we’d need to borrow the sound system from CTE and wanted to know if I would go with him. Sure, we can load it up in the Navigator and head back. A few weeks before, I had to pick up the sound system and was told someone would load it into my truck. Rick didn’t want me lifting anything. Needless to say, the dude didn’t lift anything. Par for the course with him (BTW-give me my extension cord!). So Andrew came up with a plan – we’ll park in the front and make him bring it up front. “Yes, “ I exclaimed, “that would be so awesome.” Andrew, the ultimate conman.
So, unknown to me, we were on a timetable and had to get to the school. We were in deep conversation all the way there. Still in deep conversation, we pulled into the entryway and pulled toward the front. I saw a bunch of kids sitting under the awnings and told Andrew, “There are kids all over we’re going to have to park out here. “ ‘No, no, “he says, “just pull in and get a spot.” I reluctantly agreed and continued on. The next thing I saw was a huge banner with “Get Well Soon Mr. K.” painted on it. I looked at Andrew, started laughing, and said, “You are such a punk!”

What a blessing to have such a punk as a friend and what a blessing to have a school show so much support. We parked and walked over to Rick (Dr. D.) and Patsy Martinez (she’s the bookkeeper- so you know who’s really in charge!) who had some special gifts. Since they knew I shaved my head, I was presented with a large basket of cleaning supplies. Of course, the majority of the products were Mr. Clean!

The majroity of the teachers and students were out there. I walked around and gave high-fives and hugs to the kids and teachers. Rick called me over and said some extremely kind words and allowed me to speak. Do I remember what I said? No, of course not. Andrew told me I didn’t say anything stupid. The kids were calling my name and presented me with cards and signs. The look in their eyes was worth anything I’ve gone through. The time we spent establishing that culture of love came back tenfold. My philosophy about school and kids will remain the same. Like it or not, we are the leaders. Wherever we lead them, they will follow. Let’s lead them done the path of character, hope, faith, and love. A lot of the time we are the only the people who will take their hand and guide them. They deserve it. Oh! We need to make it FUN on the way.

What an uplifting experience. The Lord has blessed me with so such support from family, friends, co-workers, fellow church members, even people I do not know. What can I say. I question my worthiness of such support sometimes. It has been such a humbling experience. After this is finished I hope I’ll walk a path the Lord approves of. Where do I go? I know he’s leading me to be a leader. Leading church and leading at school. I’ll follow your lead Lord. Guide me with your hand.

Been a long time...

All right, I'm CANCER FREE! It's been a long time since I posted here.....

Cancer free in December after my third treatment.

I'm going to try to catch up with some posts I didn't put up in the hospital because I couldn't get the wonderful internet to work....

Here's one from October 2007 when I headed in for my second round of chemo:

Umm, yeah, I already posted that blog. Chemo fog anyone?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Feeling Better! Less sicker?

Feeling better today.

My nose is still running like that chick from Georgia who ran from her wedding though. But we don't have any good excuses. Lack of nose hairs? Not worth it.

My throat is scratchy. Feel a little "feverish." But energy level is better. Not taking a nap though. Why?

Well, fell asleep at 9 last night. Woke up at 10:30ish. Was awake until 2:30ish. Took a sleeping pill and slept til 6ish. Yeah. Lots of sleep. I'm taking a sleeping pill at 9 tonight. Maybe I can get 6 hours of sleep. When I'm on these steroids though - I don't gain muscles or weight. Or sleep.

Probably go back to work on Tuesday.

Looking forward to it.......

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sick, sick, sick

This has definitely been different from the first time.

Had a cold going into the hospital or caught one while I was there.

Started on Thursday while I was there and has been beating my butt since then.

I am NOT one to let myself get down but this has kicked me hard.

I have been out of work for the last week. I can't do stuff around the house- tire way too easy. Seems to be a combo of the chemo and this cold.

Felt better after a blood transfusion of RBC on Thursday, but went downhill Saturday. Feel a little better tonight, but I finally took some cold medicine.


Yeah, I haven't been able to take it for years due to the kidney thing. It's hard to convince yourself to take it after my blood pressure blowout in 2001.

My nose is draining. My ears are ringing. I'm exhausted.

But there are people worse off then me.......

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Five More Days of Chemo - Part Deux

Five more days of chemo.
(Written on 10/23/2007 - couldn't get the wireless to work at the hospital)

But at least I’m prepared this time.

You see last time (9/24/2007) I was told I wouldn’t start until 10/1. Showed up at the hospital to get my port installed/imported(?) and was told by a doctor I was going to start that day. Well, this still wouldn’t have been too bad if I wasn’t laying flat on my back and about to be knocked out for surgery. Timing. It’s what’s needed with all good “jokes.”
So this time, I am ready. Or as ready as I can be for five days of chemo. Sweet gowns. Sitting on my butt. Hospital food. See earlier post it’s actually not that bad. I ate some wicked fried catfish for lunch today. Now if they would serve Coke instead of Pepsi…..

I have a great set of nurses. We actually know the daughter of one nurse. The other nurse is Mae. She’s a jewel. Great attitude. Recognized me with no hair. “Oh, you got a hair cut! Did it fall out? You have a great looking head. I’ve seen some. Oh My!”
Anyway back to five days in the hospital. It’s not the chemo that bothers me it’s just being here the entire time. I miss my kids, my wife, my job, a normal life. Well as normal as my life! Dr. Shah tells me I may be able to do outpatient next time. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

I have at least five books to read. Tons of thank you notes to write. Actually have some work to finish up. But I assume I’ll be a little stir crazy Friday. Looking at the clock, it’s 6:25 and I just finished a treatment cycle. So I should get out on Saturday at about this time. I hope I don’t miss the kids in their costumes.
I will miss the KLC Character Parade. I was going to dress up as The Man with the Big Yellow Hat from Curious George, but my beautiful wife came up with an awesome idea. How about Charlie Brown? We could draw the one strand of hair on the back of my head. That would have been an awesome costume. Maybe next year. Ummmmm, no. I’ll have hair next year.

Since I haven’t blogged in almost two weeks, I’ll have to let everyone know about the little get together my old school threw together for me. Tomorrow I’ll blog about that….

Until next time, “A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.” Proverbs 17:17. I’m blessed with tons of brothers.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Shedding Winner: Me!

If you have ever owned a Golden Retriever or know someone who has one, you know that their hair tends to clump when they blow their coat.

Well, human hair does NOT do that. It just sorta lays all over the floor and doesn't congregate like dog hair.

Just to give you an idea of what my bathroom looks like: you know how pine needles sort of just lay about all over on top of each other. Imagine a fine layer of dark brown hair.

I've been okay with the majority of this so far, but this hair thing is freaking me out.

At least my wife came up with a great idea for a Halloween costume. Charlie Brown. She'll drawn the hair on for me. At least the single thread.....